What is a varicocele?
A varicocele is the abnormal dilation or enlargement of the normal veins in the scrotum.

What are my non-surgical options for a varicocele?
Varicoceles can be treated surgically, or via an endovascular approach. The endovascular approach is termed Varicocele embolization.
What is varicocele embolization?
Varicocele embolization is a minimally invasive procedure performed by an Interventional Radiologist in the outpatient setting. Via a small puncture in the thigh or the arm, a small catheter (or tube) is advanced using X-ray guidance to the origin of the gonadal vein that is abnormal. This vein is blocked from the inside using permanent coils(embolization) and/or medicines that scar the vein(sclerosant) so that the blood no longer pools in the scrotum and results in the varicocele. The procedure usually takes about an hour, and patients go home after an hour or two of recovery. There is often little to no pain or discomfort during or after the procedure and you can return to normal activity levels within 1-2 days. The procedure can be performed with just a local anesthetic or conscious sedation. General anesthesia is almost never used for this type of procedure.

What if I’ve already had surgery, but my varicocele has come back?
Varicocele embolization is ideal for this clinical scenario. Often, variants in venous anatomy such as a duplicated gonadal vein results in a recurrence following surgery. The embolization procedure is performed in such a way to evaluate for these variations in anatomy and treat all potential venous issues resulting in the varicocele.
How can I learn more about varicocele embolization for the treatment of my varicocele?
Please click the appointment request and you will be scheduled to see an Interventional Radiologist in clinic to further discuss the procedure.